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incorporating it into the US Treasury.
Ends whats known as
fractional reserve banking.
Our money supply no longer consists of Bank debt!
Congress creates & spends
infrastructure, health care and education.
AMI []
Sent: 24. nóvember 2011 17:39
Subject: To Friends of the American Monetary Institute
Please recirculate to your lists!
Dear Friends of the American Monetary Institute,
Hope you are having a
Happy Thanksgiving!
Some Good Reasons for Americans to be Thankful:
There is a bill (HR 2990)introduced into our Congress by Dennis Kucinich of
and co-sponsored by John Conyers of
our country and people so desperately need to achieve monetary justice!
It has all the monetary
reforms of our American Monetary Act.
Its called the NEED act, (National emergency Employment Defense Act, HR 2990).
It will serve as a model
for the whole world.
HR 2990 does the following:
It dismantles
the Federal Reserve System,
incorporating it into the US Treasury.
Ends whats known as
fractional reserve banking. Our money
supply no longer consists of Bank debt!
Congress creates & spends
Those are the central features. In addition it:
* limits interest rates to 8%
*Ends compound interest
*Lets the states control 25% of new money creation, with per capita federal
grants to the states
*Provides for a tax free "end the depression" citizens dividend to every
Sound too good to be true? History shows that each part of it has existed at
some time in our nation, and each part works.
The NEED act HR2990 brings
them together to end the financial rape of our people by a sick and misdirected
elite, once and for all.
Hundreds of protest demonstrations are being held across our nation.
People, young and old, fed up with the injustices of our phony economic system,
are making their objections known and have re-directed public discussion away from corporate based agendas,
to a more human and results oriented agenda.
They demand
economic justice - they are protesting the financial rape of our nation!
Take a look at the AMI home page at you can watch Stephen Zarlenga's brief presentation
to the
A young musician, Makana
the protest and occupy movement better than most occupiers can. Listen to it at the bottom of our home page at
Be sure to listen through
to the end.
We'd be
if you circulate this email; participate
in a nearby demonstration, and
distribute our "action materials" in support of HR2990,
linked at our home page
Please give copies of those
materials to your representatives - both local and national.
See Dick
Distelhorst's program for reaching them at our home page.
Fourth Please donate now!
The Institute advances with your financial help now.
If you understand the importance of this work to you and your kids; and you can see how far the AMI has already advanced true monetary reform,
then realize that your donation will help us achieve "Monetary Reform Now."
Please contribute as much as you can!
You can
contribute at:
Thanks for your attention,
and again, Happy Thanksgiving!
Stephen Zarlenga
"Over time, whoever controls the money system
controls the nation."
Stephen Zarlenga
American Monetary Institute
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