Allir vilja
góða fjármálastjórn.
Breytum þessu gamla úrelta,
óréttláta kerfi.
Allir góðir menn og konur, nú er
lag að losna undan þessu helsi.
Þá þurfum við að lesa um
hugsanlegar endurbætur, breytingar.
Reynum að lesa hvernig aðrir vilja
breyta, ( “Fractional-reserve
banking”) bankakerfinu.
To create a
full employment economy
Eg. 05.08.2011 jg
was concerned with the visible trade in goods and services
— with a small proportion, say 5%
— bent
on speculative investment
"Today that position has been totally reversed, with 97% of the vastly increased capital flows
swilling round the world in search of speculative outcomes,
and only 3% devoted to the trade that feeds and clothes us
and provides the necessities
of modern living.