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Photo ©Mats Wibe Lund - Use of these photographs is prohibited without permit.

"Náttúrulegt umhverfi"
----- "-----SPA-----"
-----"Náttúrulegt umhverfi"
"The Hunger Argument"
"Rainforests are the finest celebration of nature ever known on the planet." -- 1-World Trees
-- Tropical Forests Scenario

Egilsstaðir in Iceland or Islande, capital Reykjavik
Ýmsir staðir á Austurlandi.---Menntaskólinn
á Egilsstöðum og Eiðum
Egilsstaðir screensaver, 5691 KB
Kort/Map --- Vegalengdir, Distance frá / from Eg
Upplýsingar - - - Information
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